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Hamza Shaikh

A man in a yellow shirt standing next to a tree.

Hello, my name is Hamza (two different sign names). I am a self-employed language support tutor to Deaf clients with English/BSL translation. When I am not doing that, I work at British Deaf Association as a Board of Trustee

As part of my role, I work hard with the team to ensure equality, access and freedom of choice.

At the same time, I have joined SignHealth in their campaign advisory group and why do I want to be involved in this group? Because I have witnessed many people in the Deaf community suffering for a long time with the barriers everywhere.

I want to make sure campaigns get through the government to encourage them to recognise us all in the Deaf community, and recognise the barriers we face that need to be removed. I want this to be the breakthrough for us all. It will mean that the quality of our lives will improve to the high standard as hearing society.